People behind Cetra Finance
At this point, the team remains pseudo-anonymous
Co-founder and CTO Cetra Finance Previously worked as a Rust Engineer at Everstake, then moved to Senior position at Friktion
Repeatedly participated in hackathons at Solana, is interested in MEV and likes fast cars Telegram: @frog_dev
Yellow Lizzard
Co-founder and CEO Cetra Finance Started out as a UI/UX Designer, after that grew Ed-tech startup with $20k MRR in 1 year, also founded Web Development Agency in Crypto. Love dogs, especially Chiha Hua Telegram: @yellowlizzard
Co-founder and CPO Cetra Finance
Bachelor's degree in Physics and applied Maths in TOP-100 QS University Work experience in 50m$ AUM Crypto Investment Bank. Passionate about oceans. Telegram: @DeSnakeee
Last updated